11 June 2015

Unable to connect to the proxy server ::::::: tak boleh connect internet

Assalam semua.pernah x korang mengalami benda yg sama cam saya alami..tetiba cik lappy x boleh connect internet..unable to connect to the proxy server..terkejut den!! Ni gara2 lepas buat adw cleaner pasal nak buang melware offers4u..taik kucing betul benda nih..die muncul masa korang tengah sibuk syok berinternet..geram tau..dah la icon cam nak provok jer 

Dah la degil..nk uninstall seperti biasa x boleh..kena buang pakai adw cleaner..

Pastu x pasal2 la plak unable to connect to the proxy server..den la x reti pasal komputer ni..sibbaik laa handphone boleh server lagi..kalau x, mampus la i kalo bagitau laki i..macam2 kena menjawab..so, baik aku settle sendiri..kikiki

Ok..kepada yg mengalami benda yang sama, nih step by step..kita enjoy!!!!!

Harap2 kome faham la yop!!!!
Make sure uncheck proxy server..check automatically detect jer ok..
And done!!!! Selamat kembali berinternet..hihi